Smiles Wedding’s chief make-up and hairdo artist Miss Maggie New graduated from Kai Academy. Miss Maggie New was selected as official make-up and hairdo artist for the 2006 International Miss
Tourism World beauty pageant. She is also selected as official make-up and hairdo for the number of the bride beauty pageant. Smiles Wedding offer make-up and hairdo course for those who want to become professional make-up and hairdo artist.
Smiles Wedding 首席化妝與造型師 Miss Maggie New 毕业於Kai Academy. Miss Maggie New 被選為2006 年國際世界旅遊小姐選美會的指定化妝與造型師, 她也是國內多項新娘選美會指定的化妝與造型師.以上是一些 Miss Maggie New 為她們化妝造型的花絮. 拍婚紗照和結婚都一定要靚 不論是婚紗照或是在婚禮的每一個片段,都足以令你一輩子回味.一個美麗大方,高貴儒雅的妝容,將會令你那甜蜜的永久回憶,更加完美.濃妝艷抹的新娘化妝,不但俗氣,而且經不起時間的考驗.因此Smiles 的宗旨是為新娘創造具備年輕自然,簡約和時尚氣息的化妝及發型. Smiles 認為新娘形象的配合是整体的,由新娘的性格和氣質,婚紗晚裝,頭飾,以及首飾配襯,都是相輔相成的.因此,所有化妝造型都是為新娘度身訂造,整個過程都一絲不苟,務求為你塑造一個明艷照人的新娘造型.