About Us

Smiles Wedding

Founder Jeferry Gan graduated from the Art Institute Of Photography Saito in 1990, teach by Japan mentor. Learn experience from a number of advertising companies. Later set up Smiles in 1997 to provide professional photography services. Today’s Smiles has become a one-stop wedding services centre, provide tailor-made pre-wedding bridal photography services, wedding event photography, wedding gown and coat renting services, bridal make-up, wedding venue decoration and so on..

創辦人 Jeferry Gan 在 1990 年畢業于 Saito 美術攝影學院,由日本導師親自教導, 曾任多家廣告公司吸取經驗. 1997 年創立 Smiles 提供專業攝影服務.現今Smiles 已成為一站式量身定造的婚禮服務公司. 包括度造婚紗 攝影,婚紗禮服外租,專業婚紗攝影MV花絮,婚禮攝影及錄影,新娘形象設計,會場布置,花車租賃,婚禮套餐,回禮精 品及婚姻監禮人.當中的婚紗攝影,會按照新人的意見,為你倆拍下真摯難忘的婚紗照,永留美好回憶<

Studio Photography - Give us one day, weI'll give you a world!

Founder Jeferry Gan graduated from the Art Institute Of Photography Saito in 1990, teach by Japan mentor. Learn experience from a number of advertising companies. Later set up Smiles in 1997 to provide professional photography services. Today’s Smiles has become a one-stop wedding services centre, provide tailor-made pre-wedding bridal photography services, wedding event photography, wedding gown and coat renting services, bridal make-up, wedding venue decoration and so on..

創辦人 Jeferry Gan 在 1990 年畢業于 Saito 美術攝影學院,由日本導師親自教導, 曾任多家廣告公司吸取經驗. 1997 年創立 Smiles 提供專業攝影服務.現今Smiles 已成為一站式量身定造的婚禮服務公司. 包括度造婚紗 攝影,婚紗禮服外租,專業婚紗攝影MV花絮,婚禮攝影及錄影,新娘形象設計,會場布置,花車租賃,婚禮套餐,回禮精 品及婚姻監禮人.當中的婚紗攝影,會按照新人的意見,為你倆拍下真摯難忘的婚紗照,永留美好回憶<

棚內攝影 - 主題拍攝: 你給我一天,我給你一個世界 !

想把你倆最美的一刻留在世界的每一個角落, 想讓尼亞加拉大瀑布,羅馬假日廣場,金字塔,北海道薰衣草,活力充< 沛的百万葵園,荷蘭風車,還有世界匕大奇觀等….這些特色的場景成為你倆婚紗照的場景.只有 Smiles Wedding 的一日帶你”環球之旅”能讓你倆体會不一樣的拍撮世界.

Outdoor Photography

order to provide personalized / tailor-made photography service. You can choose any outdoor location for outdoor shooting. Smiles Wedding photography team will capture you unforgettable love story.


Smiles Wedding 的婚紗攝影務求提供個人化的服務.Smiles Wedding 的婚紗攝影服務沒有指定的拍攝地點, 全輯婚紗以遊歷的自然拍攝手法為你倆度身定造悉心為你們度身定造,只要是你選的地方,Smiles Wedding 的 婚紗團隊都可以為你倆拍下真摯難忘愛情故事.

Explore New You

Smiles Wedding’s photographer aware that every one have different character and style. We will not impose a certain styling to our customer because this will cover up their original personality when shooting. Smiles Wedding photographer will therefore help our customer to explore their own preference and tastes.


Smiles Wedding 的攝影師清楚知道新人不是明星,如果強行將某一種 Styling 加於他們身上,拍出來的照片只 會掩蓋他們原有的個性.因此 Smiles Wedding 的攝影師會先了解每對新人的喜好和品味,從中發掘每人自知或 不知道的風格.

No Extra Charges

Not extra Charge for miscellaneous expenses, such as eyelashes, ampoule, make-up cotton, hairdo. Customer not need to worries about they will run out from their budget.


一般婚紗攝影公司可能會收取的雜項費用如眼睫毛,安瓶水,化妝棉,外影費等, 在 Smiles Wedding 都不需要另 加費用.很多婚紗攝影公司在后期相片的電腦處理服務上都另收費用, 但 Smiles Wedding 的后期相片處理費用 已包括在攝影配套價錢內.所以新人大可放心,無需擔心失去預算.

One to one service

Smiles Wedding bridal photography service provide one to one service.Many people may
think thatcheappeprice may not supporting good quality assurance. However, at Smiles Wedding, whether low or high price of wedding photography package we will provide the most good services and products. low-priced package means that is just a different product mix.


在 Smiles Wedding 的婚紗攝影配套都是一對一的服務.许多人认为价格便宜的产品配套可能是没有品质保证 的但是在Smiles,不管是低价位或高价位的婚<紗攝影配套我们将会提供最好的服务和产品低价位的結婚配 套意味着只是不同的产品组合.
